International Hustler Opps
Good news Hustlers! We know you've been anxiously awaiting an answer about meet & greet opportunities at the upcoming international dates. Here it goes... there will be Hustler Meet & Greets at the Headlining dates starting with August 26th. For the festival dates, we're working on setting up access to all time low's signing sessions. Space will be limited for all events.
Here's exactly what we need you to do! If you are attending any of the dates below (and only the dates below), send an email to [email protected] and make sure it is entitled with the date of the show you are attending. Include your full name and email address.
You must already have a ticket to the show and an active Hustler Club account in order to qualify for the Hustler M&G. There will be no guests permitted. Each Hustler attending should RSVP for themselves. There is still time for your friends to become members if need be! Again, we have a limited amount of spots and will try to accommodate as many Hustlers who RSVP as possible. You have until Friday August 20th to RSVP.
Headline Dates:
08/26 | Stuttgart, DE | Die Rohre
08/27 | Paris, FR | Domaine National De Saint-Cloud
09/02 | Munich, DE | Backstage Halle
09/07 | Madrid, ES | Sala Rock Kitchen
09/08 | Barcelona, ES | Sala Apolo
08/19 | Hasselt, BE | Pukkelpop Festival
08/21 | Ludinghausen, DE | Area 4 Festival
08/22 | Grossposna, DE | Highfield Festival
08/24 | Hamburg, DE | Trabrennbahn Bahrenfeld w/ Blink 182
08/28 | Leeds, UK | Leeds Festival
08/29 | Reading, UK | Reading Festival
09/03 | Wiesen, AT | Two Days A Week Festival
09/04 | Bologna, IT | I-Day Festival
Hustlers who make the cut will be emailed with specific instructions on attending as soon as we have those details in.
Please do not email asking about M&Gs for future shows or dates that are not listed above. We will announce all opportunities as they arise. Know that we are always working on them for you!
*Availability on Festival dates is scheduled to last minute change.
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