Let's Talk
If your name is listed on the Events page, we need your help...
We want to be able to get information out to you in a more timely manner and we need your help to do this. How? By making sure that you fill out and submit the sign up form.
If you purchased only one ticket, simply choose M&G or EE. If you purchased multiple tickets, we also need the names of the Hustlers attending with you. If it's a parent, note that. If you won't be using your extra spot, note that so we know.
This is important- the number of wristbands waiting for you at the Will Call/Box Office will equal the number of tickets you purchased through The Hustler Club presale as long as each of your guests is a member of The Hustler Club, you've submitted their names and your membership is active. If you neglect to fill out the form, there will be one, 1, uno, un, wristband waiting for you.
For 5/25 through 5/30- you now have until 9:00am tomorrow (Thursday) to submit the form. Non-members still have time to sign up at http://atlhustlerclub.com/.
For 6/02 through 6/06- you now have until 9:00am this Friday to submit the form. Non-members still have time to sign up at http://atlhustlerclub.com/.
Lists for 5/21 through 5/23 are absolutely closed at this point.
Names for all remaining dates will be posted this week. Once these names are posted, you can proceed to filling out the form.
Again- this is only if your name is listed on the Events page under one of the Roadshow dates and only after reading all of the details above the form, detailing each section of the form.
Thank you!
-THC Admin
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