Make #atlhustlerclub A Trending Topic

New challenge Hustlers! If The Hustler Club- collectively, all of us, worldwide- can get #atlhustlerclub trending by Monday July 5th, we have five (5) Jersey Girls Are Easy- Nothing Personal t-shirts, all size YL, to give away.

These shirts were only available at Bamboozle 2009 in Jersey. This is a chance for Hustlers everywhere to get ahold of this limited shirt.

So there it is- make #atlhustlerclub a trending topic, then comment this post to show that you've participated and that @atlhustlerclub is in fact trending, then we'll randomly choose five of you to win.


PS. Our latest Hustler to win one of these shirts is wil_hel_mina, from France. Mina- you won just for posting in the forums. Congrats and keep an eye out for your shirt.

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